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Creating A Series!


Updated: Jun 27, 2024

Planning a series is like a rite of passage – It’s so common because it’s so useful! However, it can be daunting when you haven’t done it before. Here are some simple steps to get you started:

Pick a Topic:

Of course, this is the place to start! Maybe you already have a topic in mind, and this is what inspired you. When you have a topic that it seems you just can’t stop writing about, that might be a great clue that it is fertile ground for a series.

If you know you want to create a series but aren’t sure what topic to begin with, it might be a good idea to look at your past posts to see what resonated with your audience. If something stands out as having more engagement, it’s a sign that your audience is interested in what you have to say on this topic; it’s also a great place to start brainstorming.

Look at your Calendar:

Look at your calendar. When do you have an opening in your content that you can dedicate several posts in a row to your series? Perhaps your topic is something that resonates with a certain time of year or you want to lead up to an event… You can place it accordingly on your posting schedule so that it will resonate even more with your audience.

Figure Out How Much Time To Dedicate:

Once you know where you want your content to begin, you can figure out where it should end or vice versa, as well as how many posts you can dedicate to your series. You don’t want to drag it out to the point where people lose interest, but you also want to give yourself enough time to say what needs to be said.

You know your audience and your abilities better than anyone else, so trust your instincts; but a good rule of thumb is that if you get tired of writing about it, others may get tired of reading it as well.

Outline Your Points:

Now, the fun part!

Outlining your series is when you really see it come together. Figure out your main points to hit and go from there. However, this is the time to tie it all together. You don’t want to artificially extend your series because you think your series should be longer. If you find yourself struggling with things to write to fill out a piece, you might need to go back and reshuffle your topics. If, on the other hand, you find yourself going on and on, it's definitely best to break it up into several posts.


Bring on someone else to write! With a good outline and a plan in place, this is where you can really stretch your creative muscles, and you can feel good knowing you have a plan.

Once you complete your first series, you’ll have a better idea of what works for you and what doesn’t; this is just a starting point for you. And once you have that feeling of a job well done, it probably won’t be your last series!

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Written by Jordan McAndrew

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