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Realigning Your Goals For Fall!


Updated: Jun 27, 2024

It’s a cold and rainy Sunday as I sit writing this blog. I have a pumpkin-scented candle lit on my desk, gooey chocolate chip cookies baking in the oven, and a somewhat generic-but-relaxing jazzy playlist going on Spotify. And, as much as I find it impossible to believe, that can only mean one thing... Autumn has officially arrived!

Now, I’m a summer baby through and through, and I always find the adjustment to autumn to be difficult. I know that it’s going to start getting dark earlier, and I’m going to have to bundle up for the cold weather pretty soon. But the changing of the seasons is also the perfect time to reflect and reset your goals. Once September rolls around, I can’t help but feel like it’s the beginning of a new school year. So go sharpen your #2 pencils, break out your weekly planner, and let’s talk about how to realign your goals for fall.

1. Be Honest With Yourself:

Take a moment to really check in with yourself about what your goals have been up until now. Is the dream that you’ve been chasing for the past few years still your dream, or has it shifted slightly? Make a list of your accomplishments and goals up until this moment and appreciate how far you’ve come. Then ask yourself... "Where do I want to go next?"

2. Set Specific and Attainable Goals:

Setting a slew of lofty and unattainable goals is a recipe for burnout. Getting really specific instead about what it is you want to accomplish can help create a plan of action. “Exercise more” can feel vague and daunting. But “go for a 30-minute run during my daily lunch break” is a plan that you can stick to.

3. Start Slow and Then Grow:

It’s good to have lofty goals as well! But don’t set yourself up for disappointment by having unrealistic expectations about your timeline for accomplishing them. Taking smaller steps will allow that once distant dream to feel within your reach. Are you hoping to write a draft of your movie script before the end of the year? Start by assigning yourself just 3 pages to write every other day. After a week or so successfully working at this pace, you can increase your goal to writing 5 pages every other day. Eventually, you’ll have a full script in hand!

4. Find A Friend To Hold You Accountable:

My friend and I recently became each other’s accountability partners. We got together for coffee, shared with each other one goal that we had been avoiding for whatever reason, and asked each other questions about how that goal could be reached. Then we each made a timeline of small, attainable tasks that we could do to reach those goals and set exact dates for completing them. On the dates that she set, I send her a text checking in (and vice versa). Sometimes, it can feel easier to accomplish your tasks if you know you have a friend helping to hold you accountable.

5. Hire A Productivity Coach:

If you want to really hit the ground running and accomplish all your goals and more before the end of the year, consider hiring a productivity coach! At Assistants4Hire, we’ve helped countless clients break down, prioritize, and accomplish their biggest goals. Through weekly calls, scheduling, and strategy implementation, we can provide the support you need to turn your dreams into reality. Set up a free discovery call to find out all the ways we can assist you as your realign your goals this fall!

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Written by Jessie Cannizzaro

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